Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Leadership Track - Introduction
    • Before we begin...
    • Implementation Guide
  • 2
    A Word from 3%
    • A Message from The 3% Movement
  • 3
    How Was Your Weekend?
    • Overview - How Was Your Weekend?
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - How Was Your Weekend?
    • Activity - Build a Learning Culture
  • 4
    Overcoming the Mike Pence Effect
    • Overview - Overcoming the Mike Pence Effect
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - Avoiding the Mike Pence Effect
  • 5
    Pecha Kucha
    • Overview - Pecha Kucha
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - Circle
    • Activity - Who Am I? Where Do I Belong?
    • Activity - Paid Leave US
  • 6
    Parents in Ad Land
    • Overview - Parents in Ad Land
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - Parenting in Ad Land
  • 7
    First Person: Ad Dads Speak Their Truth
    • Overview - First Person: Ad Dads Speak Their Truth
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - What Are You Measuring?
    • Activity - Dispelling the Myths of Black Fatherhood
    • Activity - Using Your Privilege for Good
  • 8
    Turning the Titanic
    • Overview - Turning the Titanic
    • Facilitator Guide - Getting Started
    • Activity - Stopping Harassment
    • Activity - Act With Impatience
  • 9
    Next Steps...
    • More Resources for You
    • Before you go...
  • 10
    Video Library
    • How Was Your Weekend? Full Session Video
    • Nicole and Heide - HWYW Learning Culture
    • Overcoming the Mike Pence Effect
    • Avoiding the Mike Pence Effect
    • Pecha Kucha
    • Madison Wharton PechaKucha
    • Stephanie Jones PechaKucha
    • Shira Albagli Pecha Kucha
    • Parents in Ad Land
    • Parents in Ad Land Stats
    • First Person: Ad Dads Speak Their Truth
    • Jason Elm - What Are You Measuring?
    • Walter Greer - Dispelling the Myths of Black Fatherhood
    • Paul Venables - Using Your Privilege for Good
    • Turning the Titanic
    • Stopping Harassment
    • Act With Impatience